Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Next Steps & Ways to Support N Mpls

Hi friends!

Big thanks to my good friend and former campus ministry neighbor Steve Mullaney for sitting down with parish leaders Julia and James Braaten and me today, to talk about solidarity and the shape of support for North Minneapolis. If you haven't already, I encourage you to watch the video! Among other things, we explore 
  • solidarity through the waters of baptism, 
  • Christian responsibility that understands the call to be present in local, national, and international ways,  
  • beautiful and prophetic examples of beloved community in N. Minneapolis,
  • the situation on the ground in N. Minneapolis, as well as the changing shape of front line support,
  • holistic, deferential, and relationship-based approaches for walking in and with communities.
As promised, Steve has provided links below to the organizations doing good and trusted work in the North Minneapolis community. I'm excited both for these individual opportunities to pray for and financially support North Minneapolis and future conversations in community as we discern the new possibilities to which God might call us.

Thank God for pasta nights. (Inside joke. Made open to you! Watch the video. haha)


From Steve Mullaney:  

Most up-to-date links below!

I'd say that Bahai Center would be a Phase One response to folks in the neighborhood. Sanctuary Hotel is a Phase Two--help us get some breathing room--type response. And the KIPP School would be a Phase Three "this summer tutoring program" will help us bring healing through the season. And Phase Four is the folks asking the questions "How do we change law/policy/resources to create Beloved Community?" Nothing I can really point to yet--this is still emerging. 

To donate to the Baha'i Center's frontline response this is the place. You'd need to select the South Mpls option.

Minneapolis Sanctuary Movement. This is a loose-knit group of folks that's changed their name like 3 times in the last week.

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