Sunday, September 27, 2015

I Dreamed a Dream:
5 Fruitful Questions for Christians to Ask Other Christians to Regularly Ask Them

I woke up this morning in the middle of a dream that I don't quite remember. I do remember a great deal of energy around the embrace of fruitful questions for Christians to ask one another to ask themselves. We were in the middle of asking those questions in several contexts at St. Francis House when I woke up. I don't remember the questions in the dream (or if my subconscious had any concrete suggestions to offer). Here are five questions I think would make a good start. What are yours? (Comment below!)

1. What about Jesus/the Gospel do you most love right now?

2. How's your prayer life? Are there ways you would like to grow your prayer life, either individually or with others?

3. How are you giving yourself for others in the community of faith in this season?

4. Who are you being present to outside of our faith community on behalf of this community?

5. Where do you most see the fruit of the Spirit evidenced in the common life of this faith community right now?

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