Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Practical Resources for Lenten Practices

  • #livinglent "is designed to be a simple and scaleable reflection that anyone, including groups, can participate in. All that is necessary is a camera, smartphone or other device to take a picture or short video with, and people to help recreate the scene."
  • An ecumenical carbon fast. The Catholic site has the best calendar overview for the whole season of Lent; the Anglican/Episcopal site has the best daily prayer, via blog. It's the same project.
  • The Mission of St. Clare. The Daily Office - Morning Prayer, Noonday Prayer, Evening Prayer, Compline - has never been so accessible.
  • Common Prayer for Ordinary Radicals. Another wonderful resource for those exploring rhythms of daily prayer; Common Prayer features a strong social justice and education component.
  • Podcasts from Taizé. Featuring a small collection of 10 minute devotionals as well as a weekly recording of the hourlong Saturday night prayers at Taizé.
  • Silence
  • The Exhortation. For a couple of Lents now, it's been my practice to choose a small portion of the Book of Common Prayer to read at the same time each day. Last year, I chose the 5 questions of the baptismal liturgy concerning daily life and practice. This year, I will be reading the Exhortation, with its emphasis on discerning the Body and living toward reconciliation with my sisters and brothers in Christ. 
What's on your list? Share your own practical resources for Lenten practices in the comments below! 

Peace to you as we begin this Lenten journey.


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