Monday, October 28, 2013

Take Your Chaplain To School Week!

Friends! In case you haven't heard, October 28 - November 11 are National Take Your Chaplain To School Week(s) - or NTYCTSW, for short. This is how it works:

Fr. Jonathan, on the set of Jurassic Park.
Over the next 14 days, invite your chaplain to school...or work...or another place important to you. Why? Because we gather at 1011 on Sunday evenings, but you live the other 99.9% of the life of faith somewhere else. And not just any somewhere - important somewheres! This is your chance to invite Fr. Jonathan to see and appreciate some of the landscapes in which you follow Jesus in the world. 

You make the plans. Propose a time or two. If coffee or lunch are involved, the chaplain buys. No strings. Them's the rules. Have fun, and don't miss out! Click here to get started!

1 comment:

Funeral Homily for Linda Balzersen

From her hospital bed, where Linda had just shared the diagnosis that would eight weeks later end her life, and never being one to talk long...