Saturday, March 10, 2012

The Week That Was (March 4-10)

Sunday: Baptism and the Cross
"...Our baptismal promises pose the question: will you also stand with the one God stands with?  Will you stoop to be affiliated with a Savior who looks like this?  Whose way is the cross; whose path is forgiveness, mercy, truth, who overcomes the powers of the world by exposing their weakness..."

Monday: Hippolytus and Holy Oil
"The Church cannot take for granted that health means more than the work of pastoral care for the critically or obviously ill; health must be at the heart of our ministry and mission; in a real sense, health names our participation in the work of God for the world."
Tuesday: Are Christians Hiding from Health?
"Audibly spoken forgiveness...names a point of mutual accountability: the sin has been named and forgiven, the grieved and the griever have gone public in their intention toward visible reconciliation and peace."

Wednesday: Lent Madness Bracketology
"Monnica v. Augustine may have all kinds of Freudian intrigue, but Monnica against the Blessed Virgin Mary is probably more honest for the first round.  In this mother of all match-ups, the BVM walks away in a landslide."

Thursday: When Ministry Doesn't "Work"
"Like so many others, our church members, on their honest days - in the midst of all of these really good things - have the courage to ask: What if it doesn't work?"

Friday: Finding Our Passion in Christ
"One of the biggest obstacles to passion is fear of not having enough.  Passion can seem like a luxury in the face of an uncertain future.  But holding on to what we have in the face of uncertainty is not just contrary to the Gospel - “whoever holds on to their life will lose it” - on a practical level..." (click on the link to continue.)

"I want to know Christ and the power of his resurrection and the sharing of his sufferings by becoming like him in his death, if somehow I may attain the resurrection from the dead." Phil 3:10-11.

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Funeral Homily for Linda Balzersen

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