Monday, October 17, 2011

Fastball Jesus

Two songs, in their own ways beautiful, that have been taking turns in my head the past day and a half.  The first was blaring at HEB just past Baldwin on 286, where I stopped to pick up some goat milk for Annie.  The second was one I woke up with on Sunday, a nudge of the Spirit, albeit out of liturgical season.  Anyway, I have been struck especially by the first song's recurring line: "...but where were they going without even knowing the way?"  It strikes me as an apt descriptor for 90% of what we do as church, sometimes (myself, of course, included).  And of course, as church, we know that Jesus is the way for which we're groping.  That's where the gentleness of the second song comes in.  The longing is strong, for sure, but the posture of a strong longing made patient and met by a coming Savior stands in stark contrast to the mindless drive of the first song's pursuit.  Like I said, the two songs have been taking turns in my head all week.  And probably in other parts of me for much much longer than that.

PS Form is content: I love the setting for the 2nd video.

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