Wednesday, May 20, 2009

The Free Lunch Experiment: Official Rules

A random experiment in relationships and good food, run by the Assistant to the Rector at St. Helena's Church...


1. A tweet will be issued (and relayed to Facebook); this tweet announces an opportunity for 3 people to enjoy a free lunch on the Assistant. The tweet will announce the day and time of the upcoming lunch.

(Example: On Tuesday, a tweet might announce a Free Lunch Experiment on that Friday, at 12:30pm.)

2. The first 3 folks to respond in the 48 hour period following the initial tweet will be notified of the restaurant location by email.

3. It takes 3 folks responding to "make" a free lunch. Winners will be notified as to whether we have a quorum by 5pm of the day before the free lunch.

4. "Winners" of a free lunch are not eligible for the next free lunch; after sitting out a turn, they become eligible again.

5. Of course you can always make an appointment with the Assistant--at any time--just not this randomly, and with 2 other random folks too!


A Pastoral Letter from Father Jonathan

This pastoral letter is taken from  this weeks' James Journal , for St. James Episcopal Church. “We who are many are one body, for we al...